Zhichao Guan
I am 4th year Ph.D. student at Peking University, a member of Programming Languages Lab. I am advised by Prof. Zhenjiang Hu. My main interest is in programming languages, and type systems, formal semantics, program verification in particular. I am working on topics related to simplifying DSL and IDE implementation. Welcome to discuss with me!
My email address consists of the first three languages I learned: Visual Basic, C/C++, and Pascal.
- Ph.D. Student in Computer Science, 2021-
Programming Languages Lab, School of Computer Science, Peking University
- BSc in Computer Science, 2017-2021
School of EECS, Peking University
Ziyi Yang, Yushuo Xiao, Zhichao Guan and Zhenjiang Hu (2022). A Lazy Desugaring System for Evaluating Programs with Sugars. In FLOPS.
Zhichao Guan, Yiyuan Cao, Tailai Yu, Ziheng Wang, Di Wang, Zhenjiang Hu (2024). Semantics Lifting for Syntactic Sugar. In OOPSLA.
Yiyuan Cao, Zhichao Guan, Yushuo Xiao, Haiyan Zhao, Zhenjiang Hu (2023). Development of Domain-specific Languages: Status and Prospects (in Chinese). In Science and Technology Foresight.
- Teaching assistant. Introduction to Functional Programming (Fall 2022 and 2023).
- Teaching assistant. Software Foundations (Spring 2022).
- Teaching assistant. Introduction to Computing (A) (Fall 2019).